Working with the Ivors Academy as Interim CEO

In October I will taking up a part time role as interim CEO of the Ivors Academy.  It’s very exciting to have been asked to fill this position. The outgoing CEO Graham Davies is leaving for a new role in the US, and I have been asked to take over while they find a permanent replacement.

My main tasks will include ensuring the smooth running of the organisation on a day to day basis, delivering on the existing strategic and development objectives of the organisation. I’ll also be in the CEO role for the entire preparatory run-up to the Ivor Novello Award in May 2024, as well as the Classical Awards in November. I’ll also be responsible for setting up and managing the recruitment and appointment process for the permanent CEO who will replace me, most likely around May next year.

I have been very impressed with how the organisation has been structured, and the professionalism and positivity of the team. Also impressive is the extent to which the Ivors operate according to their stated values. This is not always the case, and I will be looking to ensure this level of integrity continues, together with the continued delivery of top quality services for members.

Find out more about the Ivors Academy here.